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University of Wyoming

1000 E. University Ave., Dept. 3625 | Laramie, WY 82071 | 307-766-6306 | FSL@uwyo.edu | http://www.uwyo.edu/fsl/

Welcome! We are excited that you are considering joining our community!

The Panhellenic Primary Recruitment Process is a four-day experience (Sept 19-22) that provides potential new members (PNMs) like you an opportunity to get to know our four (4) National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) chapters on campus. This includes Alpha PhiChi OmegaDelta Delta Delta, and Kappa Kappa GammaPNMs must attend all rounds of the recruitment process to remain in the joining process. It is also expected that PNMs attend the Orientation and House Tours on September 19th alongside the primary recruitment rounds; however, if you have a class conflict during orientation/house tours, please communicate with a recruitment counselor. Please see below for more information about each recruitment round. 

Registration for recruitment closes Friday, September 20, 2024 at noon. There is a non-refundable $45 registration fee associated with registering for recruitment. 

This fee covers costs associated with the PNM experience during recruitment. 

The Panhellenic Council (CPC) has two (2) additional associate member chapters, Phi Sigma Rho (Science, Tech, Engineering, and Math [S.T.E.M.] Sorority) and Sigma Alpha (Agriculture Interest Sorority). These chapters conduct their recruitment periods in the weeks following the NPC Primary Recruitment process. If you are interested in joining one of these sororities, please visit https://www.uwyo.edu/fsl/how-to-join/ to learn more!

If you have any questions about the recruitment process, please contact our Panhellenic Recruitment Team at cpcrec@uwyo.edu or fsl@uwyo.edu.

We can't wait to meet you this fall and help you start your sorority experience at the University of Wyoming! 

All the Best, The Panhellenic Recruitment Team and FSL Staff